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Slovenia Open 2016 lokacija: Portorož 20.10.2016


On 15th and 16th of October we participated at the Slovenian open FJ Championship. There were nine boats registered including two teams from Italy and one team from Germany. This was not big fleet but with different classes racing (Fireball and Europe) there were a lot of boats and sailors to join us at the water and on land.

When we went to inscribe ourselves we learned that on the same day, after the races, there would still be another event: the “go sailing race”. We immediately accepted to participate also in this event.

After a short briefing where the president of the club informed us about the program of the first day, we went sailing even when the wind wasn’t much.

This first day was characterized by low and unstable wind but nevertheless we sailed three races, two valid for the championship and one for the go sailing race.

The race area was inside the Pirano’s bay, for this reason it was very difficult to sail well because there was a lot of sea current, but this made the regatta even more technical and funny. The route was a trapezium so a completely new way to race for us.   

At the end of the day the German team, Norbert and Gudrun were leading the fleet followed by Magdalena and Gianluigi (ITA 3124) and Daria and Sante (ITA 3819).

After a busy day on the sea, a pleasant dinner is the best thing a sailor can imagine! The night was full of prices. First the price giving of the go sailing event, won by two young guys on 29’er, there was a raffle with prices for almost everyone.

In the morning of the second day we had a briefing with the president of the club about the world championship 2017, the kindness and open-minded thinking of the Slovenian people made us very happy to come again next year.

On Sunday we luckily had a little bit more wind and this give us the opportunity to experience some conditions closer to the ones we will have on July when the world championship will be held. The first two race made the ranking from the previous day stronger, everyone sailing around the same places as before. But the third race, with shifting wind and a lot of sea current, mixed it all again. After five beautiful and intense races the championship was over, Norbert and Gudrun never left the first position and also Magdalena and Gianluigi never left the second stage of the podium, the third place overall was for Bostjan and Peter (SLO 17). The Slovenian ranking was very hard battled and, even if they had the same points of Bostjan and Peter, Rok and Marko (SLO 1) finished the championship as vice Slovenian champions followed by Igor and Gregor (SLO 9).

Many thanks to all the Slovenian sailors who hosted the event and welcomed us so kindly!! See you soon!

Daria (ITA 3819)      

Fitzcarraldo Cup 2015 lokacija: Lago di Garda 28.09.2015
V Brenzone sva prispela v soboto okoli sedme ure zvečer. Prikolico sva parkirala v klubu, avto pa na sosednjem parkirišču, kjer sva tudi spala. Ob pol osmih smo imeli skupno večerjo v bližnjem lokalu.Kot se spodobi sva po končani večerji odšla najprej na kratek sprehod do pristanišča in nato v hotel.
Ponoči nas je presenetil dež, vendar je proti jutru ponehal. Nebo je bilo oblačno in kot je bilo napovedano ni bilo pričakovati kaj več kot rahel veter. Štart je bil predviden ob 12:00, a ker smo čakali še 5 jadrnic ki so se počasi premikale iz Campione proti štartu smo štartali šele okoli 12:30. Nazadnje se je to izkazalo še za bolje, saj se je med tem veter obrnil iz severnega v južnega, ki je začel sicer zelo rahlo a je na koncu ojačal v lep veter (okoli 15 vozlov). Štartala sva sicer slabo, ker se je med različnimi razredi malce težje preriniti do boljše pozicije, še posebno če kakšnim ni čisto jasno kdo ima prednost :).
Kmalu za štartom sva v orco začelo lepo napredovati, obrat okoli boje, špinaker gor in smer proti boji ostavljeni za otokom tri melone desno proti obali. Veter je že lepo pihal in nekatere barke so oddrvele daleč naprej. pred obratom so nekateri imeli probleme in so okusili tudi temperaturo jezera. Obrat okoli boje in naprej ostra orca proti boji ob otoku tri melone. Tukaj je bilo treba še malo manevrirat. Trenutno sva bila na drugem mestu v razredu FJ, a sva imela precej boljši kot in hitrost v orco proti prvi posadki. Po obratu okoli boje pa smer na drugo stran jezera okoli 250 stopinj, spet ostra orca, vendar brez obračanja. V tej stranici sva prehitela vodečo posadko v FJ in prevzela vodstvo. Medtem je povedela tudi posadka FD, ki je močno prehitela vse ostale posadke v orci, kot sva videla za polovico stranice čez jezero, res neverjetno v primerjavi z novejšimi "bolidi". Po obratu na drugi strani jezera pa nekako v gosjem redu proti Brenzone. Tukaj smo dokaj pozno opazili točno pozicijo boje, stranico ni bilo več treba stiskati močno v orco, zato sva tukaj proti koncu tudi izgubila vodstvo. Na koncu je veter toliko spremenil smer, da sva lahko uporabila še špinaker. Kmalu za nama sta ga potegnila gor tudi vodeča v FJ, ker sva jima dihala za ovratnik. Še obrat okoli boje in smer proti cilju, kamor sva pripeljala kot druga v razredu. Takoj sva zapeljala barko ven in začela pospravljati. Polje sva prejadrala v uri in pol, ob štirih sva imela barko pripravljeno za odhod.
Zaključne ceremonije nisva čakala, saj naju je čakala še pot domov. Zelo lepa regata, v krasnem vremenu. Gardo sva zapustila v soncu...

Svetovno prvenstvo lokacija: Hayama / Japonska .2015